Original License - This is a canonical chapter of Simon's saga.Hunt for clues, objects to combine, and all the weird stuff in the middle to reach the skill of a decent mage. You could either challenge your wits with the classical “take and use” ones, seasoned with unexpected comedy interludes, or you can be called to solve magical arquebuses that will require the help of a little bit of sorcery. Puzzle and Comedy - The player will encounter a wide range of different kinds of puzzles.Stunning 2D Art -Simon the Sorcerer Origins' visuals and animations, refined in every detail, let the player live his adventure in a continuous flow that goes from gameplay to cutscenes and vice-versa.This is not a remake, guys! - Simon the Sorcerer Origins is a brand new game with its roots deeply bonded with the contemporary gaming world.Legacy - A tale that travels through time from a legendary past towards a great future.“ Hey, I am talking to you, the future player I can magically sense who is reading the Steam Page about my game!” Neither a remaster nor a remake, Simon the Sorcerer Origins will be a prequel to the original 1993 Adventure Soft classic, as a rebellious young man falls. Simon will often break the fourth wall by speaking directly to the players. Originally released in 1993, Simon the Sorcerer introduced the pointy hatted teenager to your computer screens and is a classic point n click adventure. A strong bond with these features has been maintained in the dialogues, situations, and animations. The narrative and gameplay paths unfold in countless ways without forgetting about the core elements of the saga: comedy and sarcasm. Thanks to this encounter, Simon will be able to gain a new friend who will represent a symbolic grandfather for him. He will meet his guide and mentor: Calypso. Simon's rebellious life will be shattered by the unexpected arrival in the wizarding world where he will unleash an absurd and ancient prophecy that will trigger a lot of trouble! During his adventure, the rebellious Simon will do something great, obtaining moral redemption and proving that he is not just a disappointment to his parents. Origins tell a story about what happened before the events of the first chapter. The game starts a few weeks before the events of the first episode, which left the players of the time with many unanswered questions about the reasons why Simon ended up in that mysterious magical world. Simon The Sorcerer Origins is the official prequel of the legendary Simon's saga.